The EMMETEnergy system is a reversible Power to Gas (P2G) / Gas to Power (G2P) system, using methane as an energy carrier.
The core technology is based on a reversible Solid Oxide Cell (reSOC) combined with a methanisation process.
The system is reversible. It either runs in storage (P2G) or production (G2P) mode. The switching time is on the order of a few seconds.
The system is capable in storing and retrieving electrical energy:
Storing electrical energy (P2G)
With the high temperature Solid Oxide Cell, H2 is produced through electrolysis. This H2 is combined with CO2 in the methanisation process producing CH4, which can be stored in the existing natural gas infrastructure.
Retrieving electrical energy (G2P)
The same Solid Oxid Cell is used in Fuel cell mode for production of electrical energy from CH4.
The produced CO2 and H2O will be stored in the system for the reversed process.
With heat optimization a roundtrip efficiency of approximately 60% (electricity in and electricity out) will be possible. We are estimating an economical efficiency optimum at 53%.
Pilot System
At the moment EMMETEnergy is developing a pilot system of this reversible proces.
The system is being built at the Technical University of Eindhoven.
See the section publications for a detailed system design.